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Covering my little kitty butt

I'm sure something I talk about will be a hot-button issue to someone, so it seems a good idea to work a disclaimer in before I actually offend anybody.  Getting trolled, shouted at and internet-lynched is not my idea of a fun day, so here goes:

I am not a copyright lawyer.  I'm not even an expert.  I'm an ordinary cat who, in her ordinary research on completely unrelated subjects (well, not completely unrelated, but I digress), came across some information that tickled her whiskers.  Believing myself to be, at very least, a slightly entertaining cat, I decided I'd pass on that information and try to tickle some whiskers in turn.

If I have facts, I'll cite my references.  Hell, if I have vaguely believable factoids, I'll cite my references.  But other than that, I'm offering observation and opinion.  If I'm wrong about something, I welcome correction.  If you discover I'm wrong about something because reading my commentary made you interested enough to go research on your own, well that's even better.  But please don't get mad at me for my interpretations, and for God's sake don't use me as legal advice, because if things go belly-up for you and you decide to sue me, I can't afford a good lawyer!

I have no religious alignment.  I have no political affiliation.  If I think a particular group is doing something commendable, I'll commend them for it.  If the same group later does something idiotic, I'll call them on it.  On just about every topic except copyright and its related subjects, I'm as blank a slate as a cat knows how to be.  And as far as copyright goes, well, I have some pretty strong opinions, and hopefully that's what keeps me interesting.

This is Copyright Cat, signing off.