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Friday 23 April 2010

Ah, the irony

Research on internet copyright debate made me realise I should probably state the following, even knowing full well how laughably ironic it is:

All writing and art on this site is copyright Copyright Cat.  No one may reproduce, sell, or pass off as their own anything contained here, without express permission from myself, Copyright Cat.  Trespassers will be prosecuted, etc, etc, etc.

Had to get that out of the way.  Now, having said that, don't go running away in terror.  I'm ranting and raving about copyright for a reason, and if you like what I write enough to copy-paste some into an e-mail and pass it on, go ahead.  If you like my little comics and want to print some out and make a flipbook out of them, I can only be flattered (though the longer I can stay off Rule 34, the happier I'll be).  I'm not planning on being a tyrant.  In fact, if it weren't a big enough subject to warrant it's own post or twenty, I'd say my part about fair use right now (more on that later).

Here's what I won't tolerate:

  1. Taking my work and passing it off as your own.  If you want to quote me, go ahead.  Links are better.  If you want to use or even do your own interpretation of my pictures, that's fine, but you'd better tell people where they came from.  Frankly, I'm generally okay with you using the character and image of Copyright cat for your own work, as long as:
    1. you state clearly the origin of Copyright Cat, and link back to my site, and
    2. your use of my image is in line with the intent and purpose of this blog.  Which leads me neatly on to:
  2. Using my name or image to subvert, contradict or otherwise screw with the purpose of this blog.  The character and image of Copyright Cat were created to educate, inform and comment upon the impact of copyright law on artists and creative persons.  That's a pretty specific purpose.  Draw a cartoon of me having a punch-out with an anthropomorphic copyright symbol, and I won't complain.  Draw a cartoon of me drowning an African-American baby because you want to convince people I'm a racist, and I will come down on you.  Hard.
  3. Quoting me out of context, especially to subvert the purpose of this blog, or to imply my alignment with any political, religious or other group that I have not specifically endorsed.  As I said in my disclaimer, I have no religious affiliation or political alignment, and unless I say otherwise, that's the end of the matter.
  4. Writing or drawing anything in my name.  That might sound a little harsh, especially if you're just trying to support my opinions.  But the fact is that my opinions are my opinions, and no one has access to the space inside my cranium but me.  I can't have even sincere supporters accidentally saying something I don't mean.  Having said that, I welcome support.  Let me know if you have a great idea for a blog post, or if you've written or drawn something of which you think I'd thoroughly approve.  I'll gladly quote, re-post, comment and give credit where it's due.  Just don't use my name for your work.
The bottom line is, if you're not sure, ask me.  I'll be nice, promise!  I'm a friendly cat, and I believe in freedom of information.  But remember, while I think copyright law has gone in the wrong direction for the wrong reasons, I still believe copyright has a need to exist.  That need is the reason for my four little rules up there.  Break them, and I'll bring out my claws.

This is Copyright Cat, signing off.

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